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How to Use Automated Stock Trading to Win in the Market

How to Use Automated Stock Trading to Win in the MarketThe traditional method of trading and investing in the stock market is quickly being replaced. Technology offers advanced approaches to helping you win in the market. If you want to reduce risk from a highly volatile market, then you can use automated stock trading to change the outcome. There are several available technology tools, all which allow you to find more opportunities with the trades and investments you are interested in... ❯❯❯

The British Tradition of Maundy Money

Maundy Money are coins traditionally given out by the Monarch as a gift to the poor at Royal Maundy. The ceremony, which is associated with Christianity, is held on Maundy Thursday which is the day before Good Friday. The Maundy set consists of four coins, denominated one penny, two pence, three pence and four pence. The number of sets given out to each man and woman is equivalent to the age of the Monarch in years. History Royal... ❯❯❯

Gasoline Has a Dirty Secret, and It's Making Investors Rich

I just filled my truck up with gasoline. I paid nearly $2.60 per gallon, which feels expensive to me. It's hard to believe that prices this summer were the highest since 2014. We've had nearly four years of low gasoline prices... or what feels low. However, based on the oil price, we're paying more for gasoline now, on a relative basis, than we did back in 2008. Quite a bit more. That makes me think there is an opportunity for... ❯❯❯

Investors Diversify Their Investments With Commodity Trading

Investors Diversify Their Investments With Commodity TradingLike Forex and shares, commodity derivatives' trading is growing popular among the Indian investors, as the market has opened up nation-wide platforms for retail investors and traders to participate in commodities. Multi-commodity exchanges like the National Commodity and Derivative Exchange, the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd and the National Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd are established in the country to support... ❯❯❯

7 Reasons for Investing in Mutual Funds

Why must we ever give a thought about making an investment? Is it even a necessity or it is just a matter of one's choice? Even when it comes to investing, why are mutual funds a preferred option than any other instrument? Yes, mutual funds are any way the best investment solution where one could get better returns in lieu of lesser risks. Moreover, your capital is managed by a fund manager who is an expert of every financial subject... ❯❯❯

Investments in Precious Metals: The Form and Methods That Allow You to Receive Passive Income

Gold, platinum, palladium and silver are considered elite and are the most popular and liquid for investing funds. Precious metals are the object of investment - the most well-known way of investing. Their "noble" name they received due to the sophistication of the appearance of products and high chemical resistance. It is generally believed that investing in these metals is the purchase of jewelry. In fact, a developed market economy... ❯❯❯

7 Steps to Retirement Planning to a Safe and Secure Future

Retirement is a tricky thing, one day you feel good about it as you will be relaxing, finally, and the other day you feel worried about your finances. But people who plan for their retirement beforehand may have little or nothing to worry. Retirement planning is a continuous process, and you would have to try to foresee things. Although, no one can predict everything and it will be better to try to be close enough can do some... ❯❯❯

10 Ways the USD Affects World Markets

The United States is the world's strongest and largest economy. US currency remains dominant over other global currencies in the international markets. The behavior of the US Dollar impacts global markets significantly, culminating to both positive and adverse consequences in these markets. Here are 10 ways that the USD affects world markets: A stronger USD slows down trade in the international markets. A stronger USD weakens the... ❯❯❯

Significance of Hedging Energy Commodities

Although some consider Hedging to be an advanced and difficult to discern concept, the execution of hedges is in fact extremely basic. Risk managers can use futures contracts, over-the-counter swaps, call and put options, and combinations thereof to lock-in prices for a given period. This allows a company to know exactly what they will pay for their energy during that time and plan for that price accordingly. The real challenge of... ❯❯❯

What I've Learned From Surveying Hundreds of Traders

Just a few months ago, I had a great opportunity to participate in conducting a big survey among breakout traders from all around the world to realize what their biggest struggle was. To me, it was a pretty exciting project, because breakout trading has been my full-time job for many years (since 2017 I am also running a private breakout hedge fund) and I am always curious to learn more, not just about the breakout trading itself, but... ❯❯❯

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